Monday, June 21, 2010

Women's History in June

I recently happened upon a website for The National Women’s History Project. The Project started in 1980 and is a non-profit educational organization “committed to recognizing and celebrating the diverse and significant historical accomplishments of women.” As to be expected, the organization carries out its objectives by collecting and generating a variety of educational materials and programs, acclaimed and made available via the website.

The News and Events section of the site features a list of significant events that have occurred in each month over the course of the years. I’ve chosen a few for the month of June to list here, just because I find it interesting to note in which years particular US history milestones included women, and compare the sort of things that might be happening with women in church history during those same years.

• June 25, 1903 - Madame Marie Curie announces her discovery of radium
• June 11, 1913 - Women in Illinois celebrate passage of a state woman suffrage bill allowing women to vote in presidential elections
• June 20, 1921 - Alice Robertson becomes the first woman to chair the House of Representatives
• June 9, 1949 - Georgia Neese Clark confirmed as the first woman treasurer of the United States
• June 10, 1963 - Equal Pay Act enacted: "To prohibit discrimination on account of sex in the payment of wages by employers engaged in commerce or in the production of goods for commerce." (PL 88-38)
• June 23, 1972 - Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, which guarantees equal access and equal opportunity for females and males in almost all aspects of our educational systems.
• June 18, 1983 - Dr. Sally Ride becomes the first American woman in space
[Bullet points are quotations from]

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