Saturday, March 31, 2012

Assessing Loehe's Influence on the Deaconess Movement in North America

The rather new "International Loehe Society" has hosted three international conferences to date: 1) The founding conference at Wartburg Theological Seminary (Dubuque, Iowa) in 2005; 2) A second at Neuendettelsau, Germany in 2008; and 3) A third at Concordia Theological Seminary (Fort Wayne, Indiana) in 2011.

The theme of the latter conference, "Wilhelm Loehe: Theological Impact and Historical Influence," included a presentation by yours truly titled Lutheran Deaconesses in North America: Assessing Loehe's Influence.

My presentation, along with others, was published in the most recent issue of Currents in Theology and Mission (February 2012 Volume 39 Number 1). Anyone who doesn't subscribe to this periodical but would like to acquire a copy of this issue can contact the circulation desk at773-256-0751 or

Currents in Theology and Mission is produced by the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago.